The hardest part of building a brand is creating its image, and marketing can be a challenge to even the most talented entrepreneur. Marketing assures the customers that the company would walk them through the entire process, not just the buying part – How to use it? What to do when faced with problems? and How to fix them? One of the best branding agencies in Kolkata should ensure that how their consumers feel about the brand.
Not only is building the brand significant but also it is essential to keep the cxustomers interested by marketing in a correct and interesting way. And here the image becomes necessary and that’s what influencer marketing does.
What is influencer marketing?
Let’s say a friend of yours tells you about a problem they are having and you tell them that you had faced the same problem and also say that a particular product helped you solve it. There’s a high chance that your friend will try it out too. Or, remember when Meghan Markle wore a dress, and it sold out within hours? Well, that’s influencer marketing for you.
It’s a group of people in social media who have loyal followers. So if they suggest a product or a service, many people would like to try it out. The online trends these days are usually started by influencers. If done correctly, they can help people buy your product too.
But, how will the company know that their sales increased due to an influencer? They assign a promo code to each influencer, and that guarantees some amount of discount to the person buying the product. And in turn, the influencer receives a commission for the product sold.
Think about this, when social media influences, ordinary people, who live their lives just like the rest of us, endorse a product, it becomes more relatable than when celebrities, whose multi-million dollar lifestyle we all know about, advertise the same. So, it does not come as a surprise that a recent study found out that 49% of the young population rely on influencers for product recommendations.
What are the gains?
When such campaigns succeed, the brand and influencers naturally enter a partnership. It’s like an ecosystem. The influencers help companies attract customers, and the influencers receive not only future offers but if the campaign creates an impact, then more followers as well. Hence, the cycle continues.
That is what brand partnership essentially is. It is lucrative because it is less costly when compared to brand endorsement by celebrities. And as we already mentioned, more effective.
Evaluate the Effectiveness of Such Partnership
Now that brand partnerships are done, the most important thing is evaluating the effectiveness of such campaigns. It is always essential that influencer reaches the right audience. You have to choose the right channel and the right influencer.
As one of the essential digital marketing agencies in Kolkata, we would advise you to find out more about your audience, their age, geo-location, etc. Based on that, you have to choose which social media channel you want to target.
The next factor to consider is whether the influencer really influences people. That is if they have about 10K followers and get an average of 300 likes per picture that is not the influencer you want to work with.
Also, work with those influencers who follow the “natural” method. In essence, they are selective about which brands they endorse in and believe in the brand and product. Always pick the best influencer like you choose the exceptional social media marketing companies in Kolkata.